Bankruptcy can be a kind of emergency protection, or something you plan slowly to resolve accumulating debt. When your finances are a mess, you can file for personal bankruptcy to regain control. Many people would like to avoid bankruptcy, but that aversion to filing...
Providing New Jersey Residents With A Fresh Start
Month: March 2022
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Should you divorce if your spouse is bankrupt?
When your spouse approached you and told you that they were behind on their bills can had a heavy debt load that you didn’t know about, you were shocked. You realize that a bankruptcy may be a good option for them, but you don’t want to end up with a bankruptcy on...
Resolving a boundary dispute with a neighbor
There are few bigger purchases than obtaining a new family home. For many people, this is a lifelong goal that they have worked extremely hard for. Due to the importance of the family home, people can be very protective of their property. Generally, neighbors manage...