Credit cards can be useful when you need to make a big purchase and don’t quite have enough savings set aside. However, it’s vital that you only take on what you can definitely afford to pay back, otherwise credit cards can become a serious burden financially. There...
Providing New Jersey Residents With A Fresh Start
Month: July 2022
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Who will find out that you went bankrupt?
For many people, the idea that others could find out that they went bankruptcy is upsetting and unacceptable. They don’t want to be seen as someone who couldn’t manage their money or survive without support from the government. Realistically, you need to understand...
My neighbor’s tree reaches over my yard. Can I trim it?
Real estate disputes with a neighbor often involve boundary lines. There can be confusion over where the exact line is or how each person is allowed to use it. For instance, maybe you're interested in buying a new home. But there's a tree on the neighbor's property...