Many people put off or avoid bankruptcy because they worry about credit-related repercussions. They know that they will need to buy a vehicle in the near future or they hope to buy a house. They don't want their current financial struggles to prevent them from having...
Chapter 7 And Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
What is liquidating assets in bankruptcy?
The United States Courts reported 387,721 bankruptcy filings in 2022. One of the most important aspects of this process is liquidating assets. If you file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you should understand what liquidation is and how it works. Liquidation defined Asset...
What is a hardship discharge in Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
If you find yourself struggling to pay your debts, filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a potential solution. This allows you to restructure your debts and create a manageable repayment plan. As long as you follow the repayment schedule, you should successfully emerge...
Filing for bankruptcy? 3 actions to protect your case
Like most, you probably breathed a sigh of relief once you finally settled on bankruptcy as the best option for addressing your debt. You can expect to continue feeling better about your circumstances but don’t drop your guard too low. The bankruptcy court will be...
The “Buy Now/Pay Later” debt trap
In recent years, the rise of buy-now/pay-later (BNPL) plans has revolutionized the way consumers make purchases. These payment schemes can be great for emergency purchases (like when you really cannot wait on a new washing machine), and they also offer the allure of...
Can I declare multiple bankruptcies?
Financial setbacks can happen when you least expect them, and they can happen more than once during your lifetime. If you are caught up in debt, and you have no viable payment plan on the table, you may consider filing for bankruptcy. However, the fact that you have...
One key reason credit cards lead to bankruptcy
Credit cards are often linked to bankruptcy. Part of this is just because Americans use credit cards for numerous purchases. Someone may be declaring bankruptcy primarily because of their medical debt, for instance, but they will still reference whatever outstanding...
Rebuilding credit after bankruptcy
Rebuilding credit after bankruptcy is a crucial step toward regaining financial stability and improving one's creditworthiness. Although bankruptcy can have a significant impact on an individual's credit score and financial standing, it is possible to rebuild credit...
How can you pay off college debt after graduation?
One of the biggest opportunities to earn is a college education. Students learn many valuable lessons and skills that they can take with them to their desired academic fields. In fact, many job fields only accept people who’ve undergone higher education. Education...
Can bankruptcy stop a foreclosure?
When facing foreclosure, your focus may be nothing more than keeping your home. Maybe you have a family. Maybe you don’t think you’ll be able to afford another home. Regardless, you want to figure out how to stop the foreclosure from happening. Someone may mention to...