People who file for bankruptcy might be tired of having debt collectors constantly contacting them. Often, phone calls and mailed demands are used to try to get people to pay. This can make answering the phone or checking the mail a stressful experience. When you file...
Providing New Jersey Residents With A Fresh Start
Month: July 2021
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Can you protect your car during a New Jersey bankruptcy?
There are many reasons that people feel concerned about filing for bankruptcy. Some people worry about the effect on their credit score. Others worry about whether bankruptcy will affect their job or financing options. Another common concern about bankruptcy is the...
Can the state of New Jersey help you collect your child support?
In a word, yes. Most states have strict enforcement services developed to deter those who might otherwise abandon their support obligations. In many cases, knowing that the state might step in for nonpayment of child support keeps noncustodial parents current....